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Indigineous Tribes from Central and South America

Much of the Ancient Native culture did not survive the arrival of the Europeans, however, some traditions and beliefs were still retained. Like in many other tribes, knowledge is usually passed down orally throughout generations. Indigenous peoples from Central and South America would still rely on a traditional medical system. Not every tribe has the same cultural beliefs on Epilepsy, you will notice that some seem downright Ludacris. But, most of these tribes have a rich knowledge and are successful in their treatments.


Most tribes believe that Epilepsy is caused by an attack suffered by an animal spirit who accompanies the person after a battle between an evil spirit and a good spirit.


KAMAYURA :The Indigineous tribe of  the Amazonian Basin in Brazil, calls Epilepsy “teawarup”. They believe that Epilepsy is the result of a revenge of mama’e, a spirit of an armadillo killed by a huntsman.


Uru Chipaya, an ancient Bolivian tribe residing in the Andes, Epilepsy is commonly known as “tukuti”. Believing that epilepsy originated from a witchcraft or witch spell entering one’s nose and head in form of a wind. Through an animal ritual or sacrifice, “willancha” and the taking of several dried insect infusions and bird’s blood; the tribe believes that this disease can be cured and treated.


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