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Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

Spiritual encounters with the divine are said to be augmented if you suffer from TLE. Is this really true?

There are many different types of Epilepsies, but the one that stands out the most would have to be TLE or Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. TLE typically involves recurrent and abnormal brain activity or seizures located on the temporal lobes. Typically, sufferers would experience unusual manifestations when seizing. For example, they can experience an aura or a bright light and confuse that with seeing God or an angel. People who are highly religious or non at all would interpret these "visions" as divine or celestial.


Now, this is NOT the kind of seizures I get. I would usually fall down and loose consciousness after a while. I would say I get the 'black and white' seizures. People who have TLE rather get a kaladeiscope of sizures. It is not uncommon for people to experience these types of seizures. Many people from around the world manifest even having hallucinations or visions. Our temporal lobe not only handles our sensory information like sight, smell, sound and vision, but also our memory and emotions. Many of these people even contemplent having a deja vu feeling.

These euphoric experiences while seizing has also been quite controversial. Prominent figures such as Abraham, Moses, Saint Paul and Mohammed, amongst many others have been criticized about them actually "seeing" or "hearing" God. Did they really see him or were they just having a seizure? Researchers think that our temporal lobes may be quite sensitive to religious philosophies.

Many Literary paradigms about disability exist as explained to us by Paré,  that God makes 'monsters' to show his own power and significance. 


Patient in an "ecstatic"phase of a seizure at La Salpetriere Hospital, Paris. c1880

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