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Many of these cultures listed on this page do not share the modern  beliefs we have today about Epilepsy. However, in their time and ours, these cultural beliefs are passed down from their ancestors

Cultural beliefs

Ancient Greeks

The Ancient Greeks once thought that Epilepsy was a “sacred” disease because it was sent from the Olympian Gods as a form of punishment for their wrongdoings. 

Indigineous Tribes from Central and South America

Much of the Ancient Native culture did not survive the arrival of the Europeans, however, some traditions and beliefs were still retained. Like in many other tribes, knowledge is usually passed down orally throughout generations.

Africa: Sierra Leone

Traditionally Disability gets represented in many different ways. For example, as a punishment , a curse, God’s wrath/wonders, revenge, a sign that something is coming and in many other countless ways. Epilepsy is not the exception to these typical representations within a societal structure.

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